
ساڵی ئەکادیمی ٢٠٢٠-٢٠٢١

Academic Year 2020-2021

  1. Abdulrahman, H.A., Noori, A.D., Sleman, R.M., Abdulla, D.O. and Aziz, S.A., 2022. Health hazards awareness and fast food habits among university community in Suleimanyah, Iraq. Microbial Biosystems, 7(1), pp.27-35. 

  2. H. Baqi, H. M. Farag, A. H. El Bilbeisi, R. Askandar, and A. El Afifi, “Oxidative Stress and Its Association with COVID-19: A Narrative Review”, Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 97-105, Jun. 2020.

  3. Farag, H.A.M., Hosseinzadeh-Attar, M.J., Muhammad, B.A. et al. Comparative effects of vitamin D and vitamin C supplementations with and without endurance physical activity on metabolic syndrome patients: a randomized controlled trial. Diabetol Metab Syndr 10, 80 (2018). 

  4. Halgord Ali M. Farag, Mohammad Javad Hosseinzadeh-Attar, Belal A. Muhammad, Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, Abdel Hamid El Bilbeisi, Effects of vitamin C supplementation with and without endurance physical activity on components of metabolic syndrome: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, Clinical Nutrition Experimental, Volume 26, 2019, Pages 23-33, ISSN 2352-9393.

  5. Halgord Ali M. Farag, Mohammad Javad Hosseinzadeh-Attar, Belal A. Muhammad, Ahmad Esmaillzadeh, Abdel Hamid el Bilbeisi, Effects of vitamin D supplementation along with endurance physical activity on lipid profile in metabolic syndrome patients: A randomized controlled trial, Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 1093-1098, ISSN 1871-4021.

  6. H. Farag, “The Role of Nutrients in Supporting The Immune System Against Viral Infection; Newly Emerged Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Narrative Review”, Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 84-96, May 2020. 

  7. Farag HAM, Baqi HR, Qadir SA, et al. Effects of Ramadan fasting on anthropometric measures, blood pressure, and lipid profile among hypertensive patients in the Kurdistan region of Iraq. SAGE Open Medicine. 2020;8. doi:10.1177/2050312120965780.

  8. "Dietary Patterns and Their Association with Depression among Type 2 Diabetes Patients in Gaza Strip, Palestine" written by Abdel Hamid el Bilbeisi, Mohammed Srour, Amany el Afifi, Halgord Ali M. Farag, Kurosh Djafarian,published by Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol.10 No.5, 2019 .

  9. El Bilbeisi, AH, et al. "Maternal dietary patterns during early pregnancy and their association with pregnancy among obese women in Gaza Strip, Palestine: a prospective cohort study." Austin J Nutri Food Sci 8.1 (2020): 1138 . 

  10. Saleh, Ossama Awde Abdelghany Ibrahim. "The Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Anthropometric Indices Among Muslim Community in Miyazaki–JAPAN." The International Scientific Journal of Physical Education and Sport Sciences 9.2 (2021): 29-44.‏ 

  11. Abdel Hamid El Bilbeisi, Amany El Afifi, Halgord Ali M. Farag, Kurosh Djafarian, Effects of vitamin D supplementation along with and without endurance physical activity on calcium and parathyroid hormone levels in metabolic syndrome patients: A randomized controlled trial, Clinical Nutrition Open Science, Volume 35, 2021, Pages 1-11, ISSN 2667-2685,

  12. H. Farag, “Impact of Ramadan Fasting on Metabolic Syndrome Criteria: Among Treated Hypertensive and Diabetic Females of Halabja”, Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, pp. 125-132, Aug. 2022.

  13. Abuzerr, Samer. Isolation, Identification and Molecular Characterization of Nocardiopsaceae Producing Novel Antibiotics From Soil Samples in Bingol, Turkey. Diss. Faculty of medicine and health, Jordan University, 2020.‏ 

  14.  Hussein A.H and Aziz P.M. The Incidence Rate of Breast Cancer in Suleimani Governorate in 2006: Preliminary Study. (JZS) Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani, 2009, 12(1) Part A, 5965.

  15. Azize PM, et al. The impact of language on the expression and assessment of pain in children. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2011) 27, 235243.

  16. Azize PM, et al. Cultural responses to pain in UK children of primary school age:A mixed-methods study. Nursing and Health Sciences. 2013. doi: 10.1111/nhs.12084

  17. Farida  A. and Aziz P.M. Assessment of patient admission outcome at Sulaimani\\\'s Intensive Care Unit General Teaching Hospital in 2013:  A retrospective study. (JZS-A), Vol.(17), No.(2), (2015).

  18. Azize PM and Farida A, Nurses\\\' Knowledge and Role in the  Management of Thalassemic Patients in Sulaimania Thalass Center: Content Analysis, Iraqi National Journal of Nursing Specialties (INJNS),Volum 28 issue 2: 2015.

  19. Azize PM. Assessment of the quality of end of life conditions and care of children admitted to Oncology, Haematology Centre and Critical Illness in ICU Children Centre. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences. Feb. 2017;7(1): 1-16.

  20. Azize PM et al,. Assessment of the risk factors affecting autistic children in Kurdistan Region at Sulaimania city: Parental perceptions, Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences. July. 2017.

  21. Azize PM et al., The causes of early neonatal death in Sulaimani Intensive Care Unite at Maternity Teaching Hospital between Jan 2016 - Feb 2017.  July 2017 , Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research. Vol 2 No 2.

  22. Azize PM, Cattani A & Endacott R, 2017 \\\'Perceived language proficiency and pain assessment by registered and student nurses in native English-speaking and EAL children aged 4-7 years\\\' Journal of Clinical Nursing , DOI PEARL 

  23.  Azize PM and Farida A. The Effect of Child Abuse on the University Student’s Psychological Status:  A Retrospective study. 2017 , Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research.

  24. Farida A, Azize PM and abdul Razzaq AM. The effect of injectable medication procedure on the level of pain among early childhood patients admitted to Sulaimani medical / surgical hospital during March 2019 – Jun 2019 Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research.

  25. Azize PM  Chia H. Sadiq and Othman LL. Impact of Corona Virus on The Life Status of Kurdish People Living in Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research, special issue  on corona virus (C ovid 19), 2020.

  26. Abdulla, K., & Azize, P. (2020). The Consequence of Teenage Pregnancy on the Primigravida Health Outcome Delivers at Sulaymaniyah Maternity Teaching Hospital-Kurdistan Region-Iraq. Erbil Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 3(2), 143 - 156. 

  27. Azeez, A., & Azize, P. (2020). The Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care Intervention on the Newborns Health Outcome Delivers at Sulaymaniyah Maternity Teaching Hospital. Erbil Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 3(2), 178 - 192.

  28. Hussein Y.  Azize P.. Ibrahim S, Ezzaddin SH , Epidemiological Study of Pediculosis among Primary School Children in Sulaimani Governorate, Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Journal of Arthropod Borne Disease. 

  29. Chia H. Chia H. Sadiq,  Confounding the diabetics Risk Factors for Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus among children and Adolescents at Suleimani Chronic Diabetes Health Center. Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research. 6(11), 2021.

  30. Aziz KT,  Rostam RA. Nasir KA. Qasem OQ. Azize  PM, Epidemiological Study for Entamoeba Histolytica Infection and their Risk Factors among Children in Pediatric Hospital in, Sulaimani Province-Iraq. Kufa Journal for Nursing Sciences,  12(1). 2022